TJCTF 2022 Writeups
Challenge Description
1 | We don't do guess challs here at TJCTF, so that means no Geoguessr 😞 Since I took this photo myself, though, you can find out precisely where it was taken, and some Bonus Content™️, from my Camera Model Name to the Circle Of Confusion. Maybe you'll find a flag there? |
1 | └─$ exiftool lake.jpg |
Flag : tjctf{thats_a_lot_of_metadata}
Challenge Description
1 | Wow TJ is such a cool school! This image really captures the vibes. But something seems off about the image... |
I used StegSolve for this challenge
Flag : tjctf{lol_st3g_s0_co0l}
Challenge Description
1 | TJCTF is really cool and spongebob thinks so too. So cool in fact...wait a minute, isn't the meme usually 4 squares??? |
Using TweakPNG software we change the Height of the image to 1000 or any big value and save the changes.
We open the image again and we get our flag
Flag : tjctf{such_pogg3rs_ctf}
1 | Sometimes the zippers can be sneaky... |
For this challenge I unzipped the file using CyberChef
Then I saved the output as a text file , when I opened it I found the flag.
Flag : tjctf{sneakers_with_zippers_are_hip_no?_874d174bb26fcf95}
Challenge Description
1 | My friend sent me this secret message but I can't figure out how to decrypt it! Can you help? |
We are given a problem.txt file which contains our RSA numbers
1 | ==== SECRET RSA MESSAGE ==== |
The flag is divided across two parts. Since we have c1 and c2 we need to find d1 and d2 to get the two parts of the flag.
1 | from Crypto.Util.number import * |
1 | from Crypto.Util.number import * |
Flag : tjctf{n0t_s0_S3cur3_Cryp70}
Challenge Description
1 | Oh no! My Latin teacher likes to touch type on her Dell laptop, but she has trouble keeping her fingers on the right keys in home row. The letters she's typing out don't really make sense. Can you help me understand what she's saying so she doesn't get upset when I come to her confused? |
This is a Keyboard Shift Cipher
Flag : tjctf{oopshomerowkeyposition}
Challenge Description
1 | Too much school, too much work, too much writing CTF challenges... can I just go on vacation? |
This a simple ret2win challenge
1 | from pwn import * |
Flag : tjctf{wh4t_a_n1c3_plac3_ind33d!_7609d40aeba4844c}
Challenge Description
1 | Travel agency said we can't go there anymore... |
Classic ret2libc challenge
1 | from pwn import * |
Flag : tjctf{w3_g0_wher3_w3_w4nt_t0!_66f7020620e343ff}
Challenge Description
1 | I need W :angry: |
We are given a binary to work with
main function
After converting the flag values to decimal we get
102, 120, 113, 102, 116, 105, 117, 117, 117, 115, 127, 119, 96, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 39, 97, 111
I just threw them to Cyberchef and converted them from decimal then I did XOR Brute Force
Flag : tjctf{gggamersssssssss5s}
I hope You enjoyed the writeups (=^ ◡ ^=)